Moldavien Moldavia

Ugens gennemgående workshop leder var Morten fra Intercollege. Du kan følge arbejdet på Facebook gruppen Venture into Inclusion.

Hüseyin Koc, DEH, har skrevet en rapport om aktiviteten i Moldavien. Klik her


TEH has started an Erasmus + project with its first project in Moldova: VENTURE INTO INCLUSION.

DEH has received a grant from Erasmus + (an EU education program) to conduct a 7-day training course in Moldova for 29 participants from Denmark, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, Italy and of course Moldova. The course is about empowerment of young people in relation to working with inclusion and support for vulnerable young people through social economy companies and entrepreneurship.

The course is conducted 10-18. October. DEH is implementing the project together with Intercollege in Aalborg, where Daniel Shillcock is the course leader.

If you know a young person in Denmark who might be interested in attending, please contact the DEH or Daniel:


“Venture into Inclusion” is a 7-day training course on empowering youth workers with tools and practices essential for working on inclusion and support of young people at the edge of society, through social enterprises and entrepreneurship.

The activity gathers 29 youth leaders from Denmark, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, Italy, Moldova will be involved in the training course.

‘Venture into Inclusion’ will take place from 10 to 18 of October 2017, the 10th of October 2017 being arrival day and the 18th of October 2017 being departure day.

Objectives of the training course are:

• To increase youth workers’ knowledge on labour market exclusion faced by marginalized young people

• To increase youth workers’ awareness about social inclusion and exclusion

• To furnish youth workers with support methods and tools to help young people facing exclusion

• To expose youth workers to varied ways of accessing available social entrepreneurship opportunities

• To equip youth workers with business development skills, to enable them assist and support potential or already existing marginalised young entrepreneurs

• To encourage collaboration between youth workers and social enterprises / social entrepreneurs in developing tools and methods to enhance work in the youth sector.


DEH er med et Erasmus+ projekt gået igang med sit første projekt i Moldavien: VENTURE INTO INCLUSION.

DEH har fået en bevilling fra Erasmus+ (der er et EU uddannelsesprogram) til at gennemføre et 7-dages træningskursus i Moldavien for 29 deltagere fra Danmark, Azerbaijan, Georgien, Rumænien, Italien og naturligvis Moldavien. Kurset handler om empowerment af unge i forhold til at arbejde med inklusion og støtte til udsatte unge gennem socialøkonomiske virksomheder og entreprenørskab. Du kan læse mere om projektet på DEHs hjemmeside:

Kurset gennemføres 10-18. oktober. DEH gennemfører projektet sammen med Intercollege i Aalborg, hvor Daniel Shillcock er kursusleder.

Kender du en ung i Danmark der kunne have interesse for at deltage, skal du opfordre vedkommende til hurtigt at kontakte DEH eller Daniel:

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