Kirgistan Kyrgyzstan


TEH visited Ukraine for the first time in May 2014. It resulted in an agreement about co-operation with the national organization All-Ukranian CSO "Coalition for Persons with Disabilities" with the overall objective to develop an inclusive society through constructive dialogue with NGOs as initiators: democracy, social justice and human rights, implementing and supervision of local, regional and national politics with basis in society's most vulnerable groups. There still is an overall objective in the co-operation with All-Ukranian CSO "Coalition for Persons with Disabilities".


The co-operation today is about finding solutions on those problems, which especially one of the most vulnerable group of people meet in the current violent conflikt in Ukraine: it's people with learning disability or mental disorders in the institutions in the east regions, who were evacuated to the west - to very miserable conditions even compared to the horrible conditions in the big institutions. Without food, no heat and sanitary condition. Also they don't have the opportunity to undestand what is happening in ther lives. 

People with learning disabilities or mental disorders in Ukraine have been moved to even more miserable conditons, because of the conflict


The Actual Project 2017-2019


DEH arbejder

Engagement by young students in adressing the social challenges in Kyrgyzstan

In 2015 three students from Social Work department of Bishkek Humanitarian University Arizat, Adinai and Omurbek got together to help vulnerable people in Kyrgyzstan. Later they made student volunteers group and since then their number is growing today they are about 40 students. During these 3 years, they conducted several activities such as a New Year party and Fairytale therapy for children with disabilities. In cooperation with their University and Center of Development Ala-Too, they conducted activities to prevent deviant behavior among pupils in all schools in Bishkek.

The European House met student volunteers in May 2018 and we were impressed by their commitment to their future profession. At our second meeting in July, they presented their Moon Studio project. The goal of the project is to increase awareness of society on social problems through videos. Moon Studio made a couple of videos on social issues like unemployment and how divorce effects on children. You can watch videos here and read the idea behind here 1

Today they have registered their organization as Public Fund "Zharyk" and started working to achieve their goal – develop modern, creative and innovative projects in various fields and at different levels aimed at solving social, cultural, educational, environmental or other socially significant problems.

7 of the volunteers are working at fund now,  Rustamova Arizat, Beishenbekova Aidana are in charge for project coordination, Saparbaeva Aidana is in charge for finance, Ryskeldi Rasul uulu, Omurbek Abdykalykov and Argen Marlis uulu are in charge of video shooting and developing them and Absamat Orozbek uulu is a President of the Fund.



Da DEH første gang besøgte Ukraine i maj 2014 resulterede det i en samarbejdsaftale med den landsdækkende organisation All-Ukranian CSO "Coalition for Persons with Disabilities" med det overordnede mål, at udvikle et inkluderende samfund gennem konstruktiv dialog med NGO'erme som igangsættere: demokrati, social retfærdighed og menneskerettigheder, implementering og overvågning af lokal, regional og national politik med udgangspunkt i samfundets mest udsatte grupper. Det er fosat det overordnede formål i samarbejdet med All-Ukranian CSO "Coalition for Persons with Disabilities"

Samarbejdet i dag går ud på at finde løsninger på de problemer, som især en af de mest sårbare grupper af mennesker i den nuværende voldelige konflikt møder i Ukraine: nemlig mennesker med udviklingshæmning eller sindslidelser på institutioner i østlige regioner, som er blevet evakueret mod vest - til meget usle forhold, selv sammenlignet med de gruelige konditioner på de store institutioner. Uden mad, ingen varme og sanitære forhold. Og uden at de har mulighed for at forstå hvad der sker i deres liv.

Mennesker med udviklingshæmning eller sindlidelser i Ukraine er blevet flyttet til meget mere usle forhold

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